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blogs are cringe but i want to have some semblance of presence once twitter gets destroyed. dm me on there if you want me to add smth here or just chat. ill add some other way here later, cba rn tho
Check out:
- 9front: keeping plan9 alive since some time in the early 2010 idk im not gonna look it up
- Voron design: they make some pretty sick nasty 3d printers
- UNDERDOGS: possibly the only good VR game outside of alyx. this shit rocks i got like 60 hours in it. and i dont like moving all that much
- micro: decent editor i use it at least

/usr/glenda/blog/2024-09-09.txt Del Snarf Get | Look

# A1 Mini
this shit rocks fr. it just does what u tell it. coming from a broken trident, a v0 and an ender its kinda crazy. got it with the combo so ordered in a 0.2 nozzle and some extra filament, gonna try some multicolor stuff, be good prep for when i (maybe) go trident > tridex / misschanger. those filament swatches it comes with are very nice for color matching as well

/usr/glenda/blog/2024-09-04.txt Del Snarf Get | Look

# Financial Irresponsibility
I bought an A1 mini combo. I don't need it, but its was only 299 plus shipping so worst case I can eBay it and at least break even. I have a v0.2, a trident (broken but still) and even my dusty old 2018 Ender 3. I don't have space for it without rearranging my bedroom, which I wanted to do anyway so maybe its a good thing.
I keep buying things that I don't need, and I'm not sure how to stop doing it. Not so bad at the moment, I'm comfy enough given my circumstances that if I stop after this I'll be fine. Gotta buy some new shelves tho.

# Community
People aren't helpful anymore I feel. I'm sure throughout history there are always people who are far happier to gloat than teach, but in recent years it feels like that has seeped into places it never was before, especially in programming / sysadmin adjacent stuff. maybe i'm just misremembering stuff cause im a grown adult now and people are just more helpful when youre a kid

# Programming
Lisp rocks but I really don't wanna use it. Maybe I'm just a dumbass but for the life of me I can't get any libraries to work consistently. feels like the opposite of python to me, where its a beautiful and elegant system held back by lack of libraries. Python obviously is stupid shitty software, forced forward by a shit ton of libraries. Lua is pretty sick too. maybe i just like first class functions.

# Misc
Maybe it's because everyone I know who did any nitrous did hefty amounts + huffed deodorant has partial dementia, but its crazy that its getting huge seemingly out of nowhere in the states.
Never tried mate but that shit looks scrumptious. gotta find some